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life in the chocolate lane

miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012

The bucharest guy

Din seria ... human beeings whom i`ve been dating, azi urmeaza The bucharest guy.
Localizat in bucuresti, ce surpriza, guy e un apelativ prea juvenil pentru varsta acestui specimen dar perfect potrivit pentru el in general.
Burlac copt cu apucaturi de fata batrana, the bucharest guy poate fi extrem de fermecator. Vazut de la distanta, ascultat la nesfarsit, in special putin sub influenta alcoolului.
The bucharest guy este un maestru, un profesor care vrea sa isi conduca pupila prin meandrele societatii, vrea sa isi creeze propria galateea.

 Ce am invatat eu din the dating game: set your rules, now what you want and go with that. Dar imediat ce iti incalci regulile, oricat de infierbantator ar parea, vei iesi jumulit. If you want to have fun, do exactly that, if you`re searching for a husband, don`t post pictures of your boobs or play the sexual inuendo game.

Si, noi toti, suntem mult mai atrasi de ce nu putem avea. Case and point me, cand sunt indisponibila, devin cea mai fermecatoare creatura, men flock (mostly werdos and creeps, but that`s my target audience apparently). So, free advice, don`t get hung up on the unavailable guy, moove it along si, pana la urma, the hard to get one will chase you.

And the fountain of wisdom is closing for the day.

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