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life in the chocolate lane

duminică, 11 noiembrie 2012

Men i used to date: The Hobbit

In dragalasenia mea, I nickname my men. Si cumva niciodata nu e o porecla flatanta. Intotdeauna incepe cand ma refer la individ in discutii ilare cu prietenele. And we laugh and we have a good time. Apoi, usurel sa nu se prinda, introduc porecla in every day life. Asa ajunge omu` sa creada ca hobbit e a term of endearment. I`m a bitch and kharma`s gonna be a bitch, I know.

Anyways, in perioada imediat urmatoare Lord of the rings 1, i met a blonde curly guy with the most amazing blue eyes. Imediatly after, le-am povestit prietenelor mele totul despre el, inclusiv planul elaborat pe care il concepusem sa get the bastard. Si, pentru ca locuiam intr-un oras mic unde toti se cunosteau cu toti si sedinta de comandament se intampla pe o terasa, nu puteam sa dezvalui identitati reale. Si cum prietenele mele au intre `1.75 si 1.80, the hobbit was born.

And me and the hobbit lived out our romance in the woods, on mountain tops and amongst flowers. For where else should a hobbit date take place?

And after a long tempestuos 2 week affair, i got back to my life.

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