Despre mine

life in the chocolate lane

joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Ce spune asta despre mine

Sunt intr-o relatie si my mind, such as it is, e in tune with him.
Trimiteam un txt in care voiam sa zic ca am nevoie de un cappucino dar am scris ca i need my electrolytes. Wtf?!
Da, I need him and he drinks those electrolytes drinks i always make fun of.

I used to make fun of certain cars, not anymore.
Used to point fingers and laugh, `cause i`m not the quiet type, at thooose couples care se transforma intr-o entitate. Acum devin si eu asa ceva?! Omg, prefer eutanasia.

Da, il iubesc, dar ma iubesc, inca, pe mine un dram mai mult. Si, pentru cunoscatori, asta inseamna ca il iubesc above and beyond anything i ever knew was possible.

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