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life in the chocolate lane

vineri, 14 martie 2014

there`s a flame in my heart

dar, din pacate, e fara stapan.
it just consumes me, it makes me restless, wanting to run away.
maybe it`s the drop of gipsy blood, maybe it`s the legacy of my future seeing, witch grandmother, maybe it`s the sea and the skyes calling me, but i want to pack a backpack and never look back.
and, whenever it starts burning, just pick up and leave and hope i don`t reach the earth`s end, you know, where all the oceans spill, before i lose it.

si stiu ca aduc nefericire pentru ca nu sunt eu fericita, stiu ca sunt oameni care merita sa ma faca fericita si care nu inteleg ca asta e imposibil.
cateodata sincer nu inteleg cum de ma mai iubeste lumea. eu nu as putea sa ma indragostesc de mine or it would all crash and burn.

i don`t want to set the world on fire, i just want to start a flame in your heart

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